Monday, 28 September 2015

Should the UK use more referendums?

A referendum is essentially a 'yes or no' question, this is a form of direct democracy, it gives people the power. But is it truly democratic, and is it really giving the people ALL the power? Of course it doesn't give the people ALL the power, it just makes them believe they have all of the power, to keep peace and order. The democratic nature of referendums is questioned due to the fact it can be overruled by the government if they aren't happy with the outcome. This poses the question: should the uk use more referendums? 

If we use more referendums, doesn't it give the government more chance to overrule us, therefore leading to a higher possibility of riots and an unhappy population? Although this is a rare occasion the UK hardly ever see a referendum, would increasing the number of them just lead to an increase of partisan dealignment? If the government was to reverse the vote of the referendum, the party in power probably wouldn't be for much longer, I believe that many people would be signing a vote of no confidence petition if this was to happen.

Juxtaposing with the negative points of increasing the amount of referendums, they do give the population more of a voice than we usually receive, due to the fact it would be extremely controversial if the government reversed the results of a referendum, I believe that the populations outcome is pretty secure and binding. So therefore maybe more referendums would be a good thing for the UK? 16 and 17 year olds have recently been allowed to vote in some current referendums, this therefore increases the voting turnout because 16 and 17 year olds are generally keen to get involved, therefore increasing political participation. The most recent referendum was the Scottish referendum, about the independence of Scotland, here are some figures I got from an article: "75% of 16 and 17 year olds voted, compared with 54% of 18-24 year olds and 72% of 25-34 year olds". This clearly shows how referendums are beneficial, it clearly increases political participation. 

There are many other ways of getting our voice heard as civilians of the UK, such petitions, marches etc. But a referendum gives us a louder and clearer voice, whether they listen to us or not it becomes clear with what we want and what we don't. 

In conclusion, personally I believe that the UK should use more referendums. It allows our voices to be heard, and presents the population with a large amount of power. 

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